Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Online Privacy, Or Rather, the Lack Thereof

Out of the four TED Talks, the last two were the ones that really grabbed my attention. In the third video, I was not really in agreement at first with the stance the speaker, Christopher Soghoian, was taking on cell phone encryption because I thought national security against terrorism was more important than leaving a backdoor in your phone. That was until he told the story about how hackers were able to wiretap the Greek prime minister and members of the Greek cabinet in order to listen to all of their phone calls without being caught by hacking into Greece’s largest phone provider, Vodafone Greece. After hearing about that, I was convinced that phone companies should build in encryptions and firewall security measures against wiretapping in our cell phones.

However, I felt much more stirred by the fourth video by Darieth Chisolm. This is easily the privacy issue I am the most concerned about that was brought up out of these four TED Talks. Digital domestic violence or “revenge porn” as Chisolm called it is a serious issue that has become much too normalized in modern society because lawmakers have not taken a stance against it, which Chisolm brought up in her presentation. Only one federal bill has been proposed to create actual sentences for this very serious crime, which is called The Enough Act by Vice President Kamala Harris. However, there needs to be more. Unfortunately, the people’s representatives in the federal government are entirely too old to be making the decisions that they are making. It is unacceptable that there are several senators older than the television. We only just had the first Gen Z congress member, Maxwell Frost of Florida, be elected this January. With the incredibly fast moving pace of developing technology in the modern world. The government needs representatives who are equipped to quickly and aptly respond to these changes, and our current representatives are NOT those people.

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Final Blog Post

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