Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Why Are Antiwar Voices Not Heard?

While reading through the news story database ANTIWAR.com, I learned some very interesting things about the US government’s involvement in many of our recent wars. Both sites were filled with stories that I had no clue were even going on in our world today. For example, I found this article by The Libertarian Institute on ANTIWAR.com, NATO Tests AI Submarine Drones During the War Games, that shows one example of how emerging Artificial Intelligence technology is revolutionizing yet another facet of modern life. However, this is one part of the world that I do not think AI needs to be involved in. Have “War Games” and “The Terminator” series taught us nothing?

In all serious, this is a piece of technology that is incredibly dangerous and scary enough that the head of NATO’s cell for protecting undersea infrastructure, Lieutenant General Hans-Werner Wiermann, stated to Bloomberg that the test; “sends a deterrence signal to the enemy, be it Russia or somebody else.” Clearly, this new AI submarine is meant to send a warning message to Moscow.

It is pretty clear just from ANTIWAR.com's website that it is not a mainstream news website. However, its intensive research and ability to pull from many different sources makes it a great site to get information on a wide variety of many different stories. However, just from their name it is clear that they have a specific and clear position that they take. Yet many news sources are able to have a clear bias and still be successful as a new source. Then why does ANTIWAR.com have such a hard time breaking into the mainstream as a well known news source? Why don't any anti war voices have a place in the mainstream? It seems that every mainstream news source has certain positions they always have to take, whether that source is from the right or the left.

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